Resilience, Inclusiveness, Stability and Empowerment of communities in Karamoja sub-region (RISE- K) Programme

RISE-K programme is a five year programme (2023-27) funded by the embassoy of Ireland with the overall goal of  attaining an empowered, inclusive, just and resilient community in Karamoja sub-region through;.Improved governance and accountability for effective service delivery, Improved gender relations and respect for the rights of women and other marginalized groups, enhanced local capacity […]

Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (I-WASH) project

I-WaSH Project is implemented by Caritas Moroto Diocese with funding from Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Co-funded by Sign of Hope (SOH) titled to improve access to water, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices in disadvantaged rural communities of Karamoja.  The project is for three years; December 2020 to March 2024. […]

COVID-19 Phase 3 project

This project is funded by OSPREY foundation and aims to improve Covid-19 vaccination uptake among the target population of 12-18 years and above in the five districts of Amudat, Moroto, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit and Napak.  Achieved through social behavior change communication and community engagement, Strengthening Planning, Coordination and Leadership, Support of Service Delivery and support data […]

Restore Africa (RESAF)

Restore Africa (RESAF) project funded by Global Evergreening Alliance_ aims at greening, restoring degraded landscapes and improving smallholders’ and/or pastoralists’ resilience to climate shocks. The project is implemented in Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit and Amudat Districts.

Karamoja Livelihood and Income Opportunities Project (KLIO)

Aims to Improve livelihoods of vulnerable households in the districts of Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Napak through production for consumption and markets. The project focus is to increase food productivity amongst 2,250 vulnerable households, Increase access to stable and diversified sources of income through commercialization of high value Crops amongst 2,250 vulnerable households and 30 institutions […]

Building Resilience Together (BRT)

Building Resilience Together (BRT) project funded by Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) focuses on building resilience of 2,000 vulnerable women and youth by fostering adoption of new technologies/climate-smart practices in crop and livestock production and productivity and Strengthen the value addition and marketing systems of small-scale farmers in the communities of Napak District.