Nuyok is Ngakarimojong word meaning “Ours”. Nuyok was a 5-year USAID/FFP funded program which started in October 2017 and ended in May 2023. The Overall Goal of Nuyok was to Improved food and nutrition security for the vulnerable people of Karamoja. The program covered 524 villages of the four Districts of Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk, Napak; 83 in Nakapiripirit, 37 in Nabilatuk and 162 in Napak; serving up to 98,785 participants in 16,464 households. The program focused on strengthening governance and gender equity, community capacity to manage shocks and stresses, traditional and diversified livelihood opportunities, and nutrition and health (including improved water, sanitation and hygiene) of pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls and children under two years of age.