The situation initially in Lowiaten village was very unfriendly from one of the participants known as Paulina Komolimoi who has been quiet for a long period of time in the village voiced out her concern on issues pertaining the access to water. She said, she has been moving for over 5 kilometers to go fetch water from the valley tank at Ausikion and Kakadama village for domestic use and this water was being shared by animals and human beings. The consumption of the valley tank water later resulted into several water related diseases such as diarrhoea, scabies, and dysentery. They could drink cow urine to treat the stomach upset and the pain being experienced from the diarrhoea.

Paulina Komolimoi conveyed her happiness towards the Response of Caritas I-WASH project for having intervened by installing the only hand pump in their village which has been facing the challenge of accessing safe water for the community but finally they are so grateful for caritas for having given them water for future use which will boost and improve sanitation and hygiene promotion in their village of Lowiten and the neighbouring villages too.

She also said, after access to safe water, she Evaluated that the life of her family started changing because the children do bath every day, washing hands before eating food, reduced risks of diarrhoea, washing clothes frequently, Washing the utensils after every meal.
She also mentioned that not only her home but the whole village at large has got peace of mind and reduced gender based violence at their respective various homes in Lowiaten village. she also said that is the reason the community composed a song for caritas on sanitation.
All the story above is Evidenced by the picture taken before the community of Lowiaten got access to safe water chain and after they got access to safe water chain. This explains the story of Paulina Komolimoi in a summarized way in a detailed context.