Improved access to water which has improved on sanitation and hygiene

The situation initially in Lowiaten village was very unfriendly from one of the participants known as Paulina Komolimoi who has been quiet for a long period of time in the village voiced out her concern on issues pertaining the access to water. She said, she has been moving for over 5 kilometers to go fetch […]
We nolonger go far to defecate: This has saved us more time for other productive activities

Lolita is one of the village where Nuyok operates in Lorikitae parish Lokopo sub county in Napak district, with a total of 41 households and was declared open-defecation free on 13th April, 2021 and still maintains its status. Longora John aged 35 is a head of household of 3 and has built a latrine and […]
Bee keeping has restored hope in my life and in our family lives

Mr. Loma Peter, 52, married to 3 wives with 14 children, (9 females and 5 male) is a community member of Aleteny village in Kokipurat parish in Lorengechora Sub County in Napak District. Peter had an extended family which almost frustrated his life in terms of providing basic needs to the members, the above challenge […]